Creative Home Lighting Workshop

Autumn’s here, winter is coming resulting in shorter days and long dark wet nights! Have you a flashgun / speedlight or intend purchasing one and are not sure how to use it creatively off-camera? Then this workshop is for you!
What will you learn? This workshop will consist of a small amount of theory (about 30-40 minutes) to help you understand the basics of lighting (types & quality of light, lighting set ups, light modifiers and methods triggering the off camera flash. The remaining 3½ - 4 hours will be spent shooting using your flashgun, some simple everyday props, light modifiers and models to create some stunning and fun images for your portfolio. This workshop will also add another creative dimension to your photography that you can set up at home inside or in the garden.
Types of light, lighting tools, advantages, disadvantages of each
Lighting styles, light quality
Triggering systems, slave, wireless, infra red, advice on types and costs
Light modifiers, softboxes, umbrellas, grids, snoots, gels, when to use and making your own, prices and where to buy
Backdrops, types, uses, prices, make your own
Practical Set Ups, portraits, posing activities, action/athletic, splashes, water droplets
Shoot set up, position of light, reflector, subject
Camera settings, ambient light v’s flash light, continuous lighting
Date: Sunday 15th October 2017 2pm to 6.30pm
Duration: 4 ½ hours
Location: Ramada Viking Hotel, Cork Road Waterford
Cost: €60 per person limited to 6 participants. Fee includes hall hire, use of 2 models, props, backdrops, light stands, reflectors etc, handout/notes pack and Tea/coffee, scones at break time! (a limited number of flashguns and triggers will also available for use on the day if you don’t have one yet!)
Topics Covered

Sample Images
Registration is on a first come, first served basis
NB: Due to costs for hall and model hire, workshop fees are non-refundable after 1st October 2017 but maybe transferred to another photographer. Contact me at with any queries